Sunday, 25 May 2014


In the last couple of weeks I have had a few talks with one of my tutors, Eric. In these chats he gave me the idea of getting together a canvas that is 'George size', the width of my finger tip to finger tip and the height being my height. On this canvas I would paint, instinctively, using my moods and emotions but rather than just using it for one session and moving onwards Eric suggested going back to it, adding bits, taking away other parts and doing this again and again every time I get that urge to paint and deal with my emotions. This way he said I will find it much easier to deal with my emotions as I wont be simply painting and moving on, I Will actually be dealing with and coming to grips with the painting and my feelings on the canvas. Last week I managed to finally come around and make the canvas. I had decided though that I wanted this canvas un-prepped and un-stretched. This was because of the idea that the painting was going to be an extended piece and I am unsure how long it will be until it has finally come to completion. So by having the canvas loose it means I can unpin and move it where I wish, and move it about so that I can reach certain parts as it is rather big. But I finally got it up, and have actually started painting on it, but I shan't be posting the progress shots as I want to keep it hush hush because I am very very possibly using it for my final. 

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