Sunday, 25 May 2014

Mother, MOTHER

The other day after my girlfriend told be about a book she was reading and how amazing it was it really got me thinking 'I really ought to read more' or just actually read at all for that matter. I am really bad when it comes to devoting myself to reading a book, even though I took A level English and love writing and using it in my work. I was determined to get into a book and found myself looking at the books at my shop to buy. SOOOO many caught my eye and it was so hard to tear me away from some in order to chose others. But one out of all there caught my eye. 'Mother, MOTHER' by Koren Zailckas. I have only got a few chapter in at the moment but from the second that I started turning the pages I haven't wanted to stop. A definite page turner, its dark, mysterious and raw. I AM IN LOVE.


In the last couple of weeks I have had a few talks with one of my tutors, Eric. In these chats he gave me the idea of getting together a canvas that is 'George size', the width of my finger tip to finger tip and the height being my height. On this canvas I would paint, instinctively, using my moods and emotions but rather than just using it for one session and moving onwards Eric suggested going back to it, adding bits, taking away other parts and doing this again and again every time I get that urge to paint and deal with my emotions. This way he said I will find it much easier to deal with my emotions as I wont be simply painting and moving on, I Will actually be dealing with and coming to grips with the painting and my feelings on the canvas. Last week I managed to finally come around and make the canvas. I had decided though that I wanted this canvas un-prepped and un-stretched. This was because of the idea that the painting was going to be an extended piece and I am unsure how long it will be until it has finally come to completion. So by having the canvas loose it means I can unpin and move it where I wish, and move it about so that I can reach certain parts as it is rather big. But I finally got it up, and have actually started painting on it, but I shan't be posting the progress shots as I want to keep it hush hush because I am very very possibly using it for my final. 

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Charity football match for Diabetes UK

It was a good month ago that whilst working at Tesco I noticed that our branch were holding an inter-store charity football 
match at a local football ground. It had been a while since I had played the game, giving it up two years back due to work commitments and college work, but I was eager to take part. I was especially eager as I also saw that our stores charity this year was in fact 'Diabetes UK'. Diabetes UK is a great charity that 'help people manage their diabetes effectively by providing information, advice and support.' and much much more, all of which can be found on their website This fantastic charity is also close to my heart as my Grandad has suffered from Type 2 diabetes for over half his life, a few years back coming extremely close to a coma. My girlfriends 9 year old sister also has the disease and has multiple bad experiences with it. 

Last Sunday was game day, and we had such a great turn out from both the participating players and also spectators. Each player gave a donation of £5 to play and all money made at the bar also went to the charity. Although I was extremely out of shape and came close to cardiac arrest it was a very fun filled and exciting day. My team won 8-2. 
Just yesterday it was posted up at work that we had in fact raised just over £370! This was fantastic, and i was very proud to have taken part. Because of how well it all went it has been decided that yet another charity match is going to happen, this time against West-Durrington Tesco rather than ourselves. I don't think i have been asked to join in with the actual playing this time as a strong team has been chosen (we need to beat West-Durrington) but i am definitely going to watch, and donate :)